Monday, February 7, 2011

Big Kid Job (sorta)

So, in case you haven't heard, I got an internship at the NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics). For those of you who don't know (like somebody actually reads this... yeah, right), the NAIA performs basically all the same functions as the NCAA, but governs over smaller schools (Haskell, Benedictine, Mid-America Nazarence, etc.).

So I thought this was going to be right up my ally. My suspicion was quickly confirmed, when my first task was to read up on a self-reported recruiting violation and the ensuing investigation the school had done. Then we had a meeting about it (super fascinating!!), which was followed by a 20 minute debate about the Super Bowl and how my boss's dog is named Bettis (as in Jerome Bettis) and how the Steelers' defense has evolved.

Then, it was like I could hear the angels singing from the heavens, when the first place I was taken on my introduction tour was to the conference room where the Ladder Pong Tournament resides, and my name was already up on the list.

 Ladder Pong is a glorious invention (basically it's ping pong on a big conference table), but all the employees who participate are listed on the white board in order of superiority and you can only move up by challenging the person directly above you and beating them. The beauty of it is that Ladder Pong is available at all times, unless a meeting is going on in that conference room (which appears to be rare).

It's AWESOME!! Sick of doing your work? No problem! Go take a break and play ladder pong. Or read through your emails, only to discover that you've been copied on a thread trash-talking the president of the NAIA for getting his ass kicked in ladder pong.

Even better is that today we discussed having our own March Madness tournament, using the current standings to determine seeding for the tournament. So, as the new girl, while I'll be extremely low in the standings, anything can happen when you get to the tournament....... stay tuned. =)